Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Unity Through Humility - Philippians 2:1-11

Several years ago I had the chance to coach 4-5 year olds in football.  Wow, what an adventure!  No matter how much you practiced you never really knew what would happen after the ball was hiked.  The main reason for this was because each one of those little boys was more focused on trying to be Tim Tebow than the success of the team.  Because of this most of our plays ended in chaos as the boys ran all over the field and the ball went anywhere except to the player who was ready to receive it.

In those rare moments when everyone did what they were supposed to, though, it was a beautiful thing (que dramatic music and slow motion camera).  Touchdown!  It cost some of the boys their personal spot light, but the team had success and they all could celebrate that.  This is what being on a team is all about.  Today God’s word challenges us to find unity through humbly looking to the needs of others first.  Division feeds on selfishness and pride, but loses its power when we are humble.  When we look to the interests of others first we fulfill Jesus’ command that we love each other, and we find a deep unity that better positions us for the mission that He has charged us with.

Paul’s challenge to the Philippians, and to us, is to be unified.  Jesus gave us our mission, “make disciples.”  In order for us to do that we have to work together.  The problem is that selfishness and disunity threaten us at every turn.  We feed that when we look only to ourselves, and that is why the Holy Spirit prompted Paul to write that we should look out for the needs of others first. 

If we will follow this instruction than we won’t: talk about others behind their back, we won’t criticize them, we won’t exclude them, or belittle them.  Instead we will help and encourage them even though it may cost us time, energy, and patience.  Above all we will love them.  One of Jesus’ greatest desires for us is that we love each other.  It is so important to Him that He gave this to the disciples as a new command, and He said that it is by that kind of love the people would recognize that we are His.  Love calls us to take care of others first, and that act of humility is the driving force behind our unity.

Paul says here that the ultimate example of this kind of humility is Jesus.  In every way He is God and yet was willing to set aside all the beauty of heaven to walk with us.  He became a baby, entering this world in a stable robed in nothing more than rags, and He did that for us so that He could give Himself to us through His life and His death.  If He would do that for us, how can we do any less for each other?  This is the kind of love He desires for us, and through it we will be unified and able to pull together for the mission He has given us.

For more on this listen online here:  Unity Through Humiliy

Friday, November 22, 2013

Surrender - Mark 8:31-35 (part 2)

              Give Up Control

     When we left Peter he was telling Jesus that His plan was all wrong.  The plan didn't fit Peter's idea of what God should be doing so Peter pulls Jesus aside and rebukes Him. 

   Jesus' reply pointed out what Peter could not see, that he was stuck on his own desires and not what God was doing.  When we are focused on our will we aren’t available to follow God’s.  We all have our own plans for our lives.  We know how we want things to go and what we want to accomplish.  When you and I meet our crossroads and find that God’s will does not match ours we need to be willing to let go of our will and our desire for control.  That is the first step of surrender. 

   Jesus is clear about what His expectation is.  If we want to really be His we have to be ready to deny ourselves.  The picture that Jesus used to portray this self denial was taking up a cross.  The method of execution that would later be used on Him is now used by Him to illustrate death to self.  It’s a little crazy when you think about it.  Jesus looked out at His growing crowed and instead of a miracle or motivational speech He tells them that they are expected to give everything up for Him.

    Why would He do that?  Because He knows that people will run to miracles and gather around good sermons and inspirational leaders, but what we need is a Lord and Savior.  The Bible compares our relationship with God to a shepherd and his sheep, a father and his children, and a vine and its branches to name a few.  The idea is that we need Him.  We need His leadership, we need His provision, and we (whether we want to admit it or not) want His love.

   Now, before you start thinking that this is all very arrogant and self-centered of God consider this.  Whatever you and I place first and give top priority becomes our master.  Jesus said it this way:

Matthew 6:24
“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

If you don’t want to take His word for it consider these observations.

Those who put money and things first become greedy.
Those who put work or career first become workaholics.
Put another person first and become a slave to their desires.
Put yourself first and become self-centered.
Put religion first and become a fanatic.
Make feeling good your top priority and risk becoming an addict.

   Whatever you and I put first becomes our master, and the things of this world make cruel masters.  Only God can take first place in our lives without destroying us.  And only in the case of God does everything fall into its proper place when we put Him first.  Sometimes giving up control is the best thing that you and I can do.

   Every year people lose their lives in rip currents.  Sometimes these are called rip tides or undertows, but it is really just a current that flows away from the shore.  What kills people is that they struggle against it, fighting to get back to shore until exhaustion takes over and they drown.  The only way to survive is to stop fighting it.  Give up control and stop swimming toward shore.  If caught in a rip current your hope is to swim parallel to the shoreline until you get out of the current, or in cases when the current is too large to escape that way just give yourself over to its control until the current slows enough for you to swim out.  Giving up control can be the best thing for us, and it’s an absolute requirement when it comes to surrendering to God’s will.

       Follow Jesus

    The second part of surrender is to follow Christ.  Once we recognize that our will differs from His, and we have given up our desire for control what is left is to actually follow God’s will.  It’s easy to say that we will follow Him and go wherever He leads, but God wants us to actually do it.  He wants us to acknowledge Him and then go and do what He says.  In short He desires and deserves our obedience.

     We can’t follow Jesus without obeying Him.  He is already leading.  Mankind can choose to acknowledge that or not, but whichever we choose does not change the fact that He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.  He is going to accomplish His will.  The question is, will we choose to be a part of it?

    Jesus said to those who stood in front of Him that day, and I believe He also says to us that if we really want to be His and be a part of what He is doing we need to deny ourselves (or give up our will and sense of control) and take up our cross and follow Him in what He is doing.  

    Adoniram Judson was a man who answered God’s call in spite of the cost.  I’m sure that it didn’t turn out the way that he planned, but he followed the plan of His Savior anyway.  Judson was a missionary in the 1800’s, one of the first to be sent out from America.  In his time there he spent years with no visible results, suffered the deaths of his wife and at least one child, and was a prisoner of war. 

    Looking at those things his ministry might seem like a failure.  However, through his hardships he managed to translate the Bible into Burmese, start mission agencies in Burma and the U.S. and see many, many of the Burmese people turn to Christ.  In the end it was His faithfulness to God’s call in spite of his circumstances that won him the hearts of the people and turned them to Christ.

   God’s way is always better even when it doesn’t seem that way to us.  Peter and the other disciples could not understand why Jesus had to die, but God’s way was better.  Changing the course of the world with a handful of fisherman, a tax collector, and a few other misfits seems impossible, but God’s way is better.  Leaving the comfort of home, suffering in jail, and watching loved ones die hurts immeasurably, but God’s way is better. 

     Adoniram Judson got it, and Peter would get it eventually.  For this moment, though, Jesus’ words to him were probably pretty hard to swallow.  Jesus continued on to tell Peter and the crowed that this self-denial that He requires, this death to self and the world, this following after the will of God would end not in death and misery, but in life and freedom.

   Giving everything to God results in our freedom, dying to ourselves and following Him leads to life.  It seems to go against logic, but the truth is that the tighter we hold on to things the quicker we lose them.  The more we try to protect our life, the more likely we are to lose it forever.  But when we let go of things we become free and when we let go of our life and give it over to Him we get to live, it’s true in the here and now and it’s true in eternity.

    When we give ourselves to Him He sets us free from the grip of sin and its consequences of death.  We also are free to accomplish what He designed us for when we surrender ourselves to His will for our lives.  From the little decisions we make each day to the big things that guide the direction of our lives when we chose His way we receive His blessing and the joy and peace that comes with complete surrender. 

Monday, November 18, 2013

Surrender - Mark 8:31-35 (part 1)

    No one likes to surrender. We see surrender as giving up and giving in.  The reality is it’s excepting defeat.  We hate the idea of losing and letting go of control so we resist surrendering with all that we are.  God, however, wants us to surrender.  He wants us to waive the white flag, raise our hands, and surrender ourselves to Him.  When we surrender to God it is the best thing that we can do.  Giving up control and trusting Him to lead us will lead to life, protection, and peace.  In this case it is resisting surrender and keeping control for ourselves that is dangerous. 

The Crossroads
    Mark 8 is a transition in Jesus’ ministry.  Mark writes that at this point Jesus began to speak clearly about His coming death, burial, and resurrection.  Jesus chose this crucial moment to openly reveal to His disciples His plan to restore us to our God through His sacrificial death.  This scene comes just a short while after Peter’s great confession, “You are the Christ.” (Verse 29)

   While the words were still swirling in the disciples' heads Jesus takes the time to let them in on the plan.  Their world was shattered.  He wasn’t going to be a physical savior who would rescue them from the Romans, instead He had come to be a spiritual Savior who would rescue them from sin and restore them to God.  Not with a fight or political takeover, but with His death.
    Just moments after saying something really smart, Peter says something really… not smart.  Isn’t that just like us?  We could easily fit in Peter’s sandals here recognizing that Jesus is Lord one moment and then refusing to follow His will the next.   What was the problem?  Jesus’ plan didn’t line up with Peter’s.  Peter, along with the other disciples and probably every other Jew, was looking for a Messiah who would save them from the Romans.  We have different reasons behind it, but the underlying problem that Peter had then and that we have now is the same: conflicting wills.  Peter found his crossroads.

    Then, just like now, God is not obligated to give us what we want and His will for us is not influenced by our desires.  The question is, then, how do we respond when God’s will differs from ours? Mary had a different kind of reaction when she came to her crossroads.  She had her life planned out.  Her fiancé had his own business and was getting their future home ready.  Within a year they would be married, and life would be wonderful, or so she thought.  All those plans were shattered the night the Angel visited.

    His message was simple, but life changing.  She was chosen by God and a very special baby was on the way.  This was a huge problem because she wasn’t married yet, and Joseph could have chosen to break things off with her or have her stoned.  The life she planned was gone, but her response was one of great faith and courage.  

Luke 1:38
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

  Some choose to resist God, Mary chose to follow Him, and Peter… well Peter told the Lord of the universe that He was wrong.  He pulled Him aside and attempted to tell Him the problem with His plan.  Peter meant well, but was still wrong.  Next time we'll look at Jesus' response to him.