Monday, May 19, 2014

Lessons on Prayer

We have been talking about prayer the last couple of weeks at my church, so I thought I would share some of what we have been learning here.  The following observations all come from Matthew Chapter 6.  I hope that they will be a help to you!

Pray in Secret – verses 5-6
This isn’t a condemnation of praying in public.  Jesus did that a lot.  Instead it’s an attitude check.  We need to be praying to the right audience, and for the right reason.  Our audience is God, not each other.  Also, don’t do something in public that you’re not doing in private.  In other words if we don't put in the time to pray when we are alone, we should hesitate to pray in front of others.

Pray with Purpose – verses 7-8
It's easy to get in the rut of praying out of habit without engaging our minds.  Jesus isn’t saying that we shouldn’t ask for something more than once, instead he’s giving a challenge to be intentional and genuine in our prayers.  Both Paul and Jesus repeated prayers.  Jesus asked multiple times for an option other than the cross (Matt 26:36-46) and Paul repeatedly asked God to remove his thorn in the flesh (2 Cor 12:7-8).  The idea is just that we don't shift into autopilot when we pray.

Jesus’ Example – verses 9-13
Our best example for prayer is to look at what Jesus did.  His teaching here is an example or sample of how we should pray.  It’s a pattern to follow, but not necessarily meant to be memorized and repeated.  That being said I don't think it's wrong to memorize and repeat the Lord's Prayer as long as we keep our minds engaged.  Also, the elements don’t have to be kept in this exact order, or appear in every prayer.

Honor God
Think about who you are praying to.  Jesus says, “Father, in heaven, Hallowed be your name.”  You are talking to your Father who loves you.  He is in heaven yet His presence is everywhere (Psalm 139).  He is holy, separate, set apart.

 Pray for His will
Acknowledge who is really in control (Matthew 6:27 & James 4).  A big hint is, it's not us.  Jesus demonstrated this in the garden.  He prayed for another way, but submitted to His Father's will (Matthew 26:39, 42).  We can know God's will through the work of Holy Spirit and God's word.

Ask for Physical Needs
It's ok to ask for personal physical needs to be met, but that shouldn’t be our focus.  Sometimes, we don’t have because we haven't asked God (James 4:2.)  Jesus also said we should Ask, Seek, Knock (Matthew 7:7-11).  Always ask in faith, trusting God, and committing to His will (Matt. 6:25-34).
Different Answers that He may give:

 Ask for Forgiveness - verses 12 & 14
Forgiveness is a choice to not hold resentment over an offense.  It's not the same as withholding consequences or taking future precautions.  God expects us to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.  Forgiving others sets us free and displays God’s love.
Keep a short account with God.  Confess daily so that sin doesn't get the chance to harden your heart or hinder your prayers (1st John 1:9).

Do you have any thoughts or observations to share?  I would love to hear what you have been learning about prayer.

**As a reminder, I am moving my blog to Wordpress.  You can find me there at  Please come by and check it out.  I would love it if you would leave a comment to let me know what you think.  Please also subscribe so that you can keep up with future posts. 

Friday, May 16, 2014

Connect is Moving

Dear friends,

I am honored that so many of you have joined me here.  I hope that you have enjoyed reading what I have been learning through God's word.  It has been a huge blessing for me to share my heart here, and I am looking forward to continuing to engage people through God's word this way.  In order to a little better job of that I have decided to move my blog to wordpress, and I hope that you will follow me to my new "home."

My new blog can be found at:

For the next couple of weeks I will continue to add posts to both blogs, but after that I will no loner be posting here.  I will leave the old posts up here as long as I can for anyone who wants to access them later on.

Please let me know what you think of the new format when you stop by, and don't forget to subscribe there so that you can continue to receive updates on future posts.  I would love to hear from you.  May God continue to bless you as you seek His face through His word.

In Him,

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Impact of a Godly Mother

*photo credit - David Castillo Dominici & Free Digital Photos

Do you remember what it was like right after your children were first born?  You know, when they were still loveable?  Before there was eye rolling, back talking, and mess making there was a bundle of joy and potential laying there in your arms.

Do you remember wondering what they would look like, how they would act, and what they would become when they were older?  We did that a lot in the early days after our first daughter was born.  She gave us a lot of time to think about it because she didn’t sleep for the first 2 years of her life, or at least that is how it felt at the time.

Most parents have dreams for their children, but less are willing to make the investment necessary to see those dreams come to life.  For those of us who have Godly mothers we have seen in our lives the impact that they have.  They saw the potential in us early and they nurtured it with love as we grew so that we could realize the potential that God placed within us.

As Paul wrote to Timothy for the second time he encourages Timothy by pointing out the God-honoring traits he sees in him which had their origin in his mother's great faith.  My encouragement to you this week is that as you reflect on these attributes you would recognize your mother's investment in you and make sure that this week and every week she knows how thankful you are for her.

The below comes from observations of 2nd Timothy 1:3-6

Tears of Compassion
Paul outlines his memories of a great man’s character, and he attributes that character to the legacy which was passed from Timothy’s grandmother to his mother, and also from his mother to him.  Paul says that he remembers Timothy’s tears.  This is an expression that Paul uses to show genuine care and compassion for others. 

Sincere Faith
Timothy’s mother passed on to him the makings of a great man, but she also passed on to him something of much greater and eternal worth – a sincere faith.  There is no better foundation for faith to grow on than a consistent example of Godliness lived out at home. 

God's Call
Too many parents put unnecessary pressure on their kids to be or do a certain thing.  They want them to take over the family business, follow in a parent’s footsteps, or go to a certain school when that is not what the child desires and maybe not God’s will for them.  Godly mothers nurture God's calling for their children.  They do this no matter where it will take their kids because their greatest concern is for their kids to be everything God made them to be.

If your mother helped develop these attributes in you then you are truly blessed.  I know that there are many more good things that mothers do and inspire in us, but this is just a sample to get you thinking.  The real key is to recognize their investment in us and then to say "Thank you" not only with words and cards, but also with our lives.

Have you felt the impact of a Godly mother?  I'd love to read your story.