Monday, April 28, 2014

Where is Your Confidence?

Confidence is a great thing. It can help you push through difficulty or uncertainty if it is placed wisely. Misplaced confidence or overconfidence, however, can lead to disaster. Confidence helped put the first man on the moon while overconfidence helped put the Titanic on the bottom of the ocean. Finding the right balance is delicate, but possible if you draw your confidence from the right source.

Paul was a man who tried it both ways. He had misplaced confidence in himself, and overconfidence in what he had accomplished, but that was in the past for him by the time he penned the words in Philippians 3:1-11. Take a quick look at what he wrote.

It is much easier to put our confidence in the things that we can see and touch than it is to trust in God. We more easily put our trust in bank accounts, jobs, and other things that we think we can control only to find out that they will fail us, or get puffed up with pride because we think that we are in control. Paul learned that degrees, social status, and self-righteousness are worthless in comparison to what Christ is and what He has called us to. In the end Paul considered all of that stuff to be garbage in contrast to the greatness of His Lord's plan for him.

What about you? Where is your confidence? I pray that if your confidence is in the wrong place you will make the necessary change. The truth is that our sense of control is an illusion and that any physical thing on which we put our confidence is prone to fail us, but He never will. His plan for your life exceeds anything this world can offer. Commit wholeheartedly to it and you will never regret it.

Want to read more?  I would love it if you checked out my new book Attitude Check.  The above is an excerpt from chapter 4.  I hope you enjoy it.  You can pick up a copy in paperback or for Kindle here.

*Photo courtesy of stockimages and

Friday, April 18, 2014

3 Days to Hope

This weekend we celebrate hope.  Not just a slogan, not hope in a person or organization, but hope in God.  This hope is more like a promise or guarantee.  It’s a hope that changes everything.  It didn’t seem that way in the beginning, though.    

The first day began with disbelief and ended with despair.  Jesus’ followers watched as He was tried and executed for no apparent reason other than jealousy.  They had given up everything to follow Him, and now He was gone.  He promised to make them fishers of men and to establish a new kingdom, but then He died.  The beating, the cross, the nails, and the spear all seemed to come from nowhere and take Him without warning. They were helpless to stop it and their hearts were stricken by grief, but that was the first day and it would not last long. 

The second day was again marked by fear.  Jesus’ followers hid all day, windows were closed and doors were locked.  The sound of footsteps outside sent shivers down their spines as they tried to fight back against panic.  If the Pharisees would do that to Jesus they might do the same to those who follow Him.  So, they huddled together and waited for the Sabbath to pass so that they could finish preparing His body for burial.  They were confused and afraid, but that was the second day and it wouldn’t last long either.

The third day began early and at first was more confusing and raised more questions.  His body was gone, what happened, where was He moved?  Then the rumors of sightings began to circulate.  Had their grief driven them crazy?  By evening they were exhausted.  Again fear had driven them to huddle in a locked room, but then hope came in.  Locked doors and windows would not stop Him.  It was Jesus!  He is Alive!  That moment changed everything for this small group of disciples, and it has also changed everything for us.  We have a hope that will not fade no matter what may come because Jesus walked out of that tomb.  Because of this Hope we now have a Purpose, we know that we are Not Alone, and for us the Grave will not be the End.  This weekend we celebrate Hope! 

*Photo courtesy of bela_kiefer and

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Ambushed by Unfaithfulness

I have a video that I would like to share with you.  This is from a couple of years ago, but the message is so important for us.  I have seen too many families torn apart by sexual sin to not do everything I can to keep this message out in front of people.  I pray this is an encouragement and challenge for you.

The text is from 2 Samuel 11 and deals with David's sin and attempt to cover up his failure.  We all need to learn from his experience to watch out for every ambush that is set before us.